Homecoming Court gives up consolidation attempt

Jonathan Szydlo/BBC Managing Editor

After experimenting with the consolidation of the Homecoming Court, the Homecoming Council has decided to revert to the previous selection process that Homecoming Courts have followed in the past. There will continue to be individual courts for the Modesto Maidique Campus and the Biscayne Bay Campus.

At an emergency meeting held by SGC-BBC’s executive branch on Sept. 14 to discuss the promotion of homecoming events at BBC, Rafael Zapata, assistant director of Campus Life, made the announcement to the heads of organizations that fall under BBC’s Campus Life.

Tamicha Roger, president of Panther Power, said that the consolidation of the homecoming courts should have never been discussed.

“They should’ve never even considered the creation of one court,” said Roger. “If a BBC candidate had to go up against an MMC candidate, it gives an unfair advantage to students running from MMC due to the disproportion of students at MMC compared to BBC.”

With the decision to keep to two courts for MMC and BBC respectively, those running for the Homecoming King and Queen positions will continue to be voted upon by peers from their respective campuses, as opposed to the court being decided by a university wide election, as the proposal had called for.

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