It is never ideal to pour concrete over a nature preserve. However, because of the University’s poor planning, the accumulation of gross traffic and lingering safety concerns, it is necessary to construct a second entrance at the Biscayne Bay Campus.
The Beacon would like to point out that it is extremely unfortunate that the University failed to anticipate an influx of traffic whilst constructing BBC. According to an article published on Nov. 28 in The Beacon, North Miami Residents were livid over the proposal. It is incredulous that no one planned a second or even third entrance while constructing BBC and we echo residents’ irritation that nature now has to be jeopardized.
Anthony Cave quoted an opponent of the second entrance, asking, “Why don’t you build it in your backyard?” The Beacon notes we are building it in our backyard. Another person, booing the proposal, asked, “What about our children?” Because the University, Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School and the David Lawrence K-8 Center all share only one entrance and one exit, the construction of a second pathway is not just more convenient, but does, indeed consider the safety of the children.
According to an article in The Miami Herald on Nov. 23, the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization said that there are three other options than the one chosen by the University that would run the path right through a nature preserve. The Beacon thinks that if the University chooses cost over nature, everyone loses; however, if indeed the only entrance truly sustainable and feasible is through the nature preserve, then it must be done.