By: Melissa Caceres/News Director
Craig Romney, the youngest of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s five sons, spoke at the College of Law today to members of the Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity and Pi Kappa Phi fraternity.
The event was held at 10 a.m. in RDB 1009 and organized by the members of the student organizations. It was an invitation-only presentation, according to Giovanni Castro, professional development chair of Phi Alpha Delta, because it was an “informative speech” for political science majors and prospective lawyers.
“It’s a privilege to be here representing my father,” said Romney to an audience of around 30 people. “I’m a little over-biased but I know that he is the best guy to run this country at this point in time. He has a unique background to take on the challenges that face this nation right now.”
Those in attendance included Patrick O’Keefe, SGC-MMC president; Donovan Dawson, Senate speaker; and Daniel Diaz-Balart, son of Florida congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart.
“To have Craig come here is a great honor,” said Diaz-Balart. “It gives FIU, as a university, recognition.”
Romney told personal stories of his father, the former Massachusetts governor, while asking the crowd what they believe are the important issues that matter to them.
“To me personally, I’m bothered by the excessive spending done in Washington because it’s going to be up to our generation to make up for that debt,” he said.
One person mentioned the job market that awaits college students upon graduation.
“It’s a huge issue,” Romney said. “My dad, having spent his career in the private sector, understands what kind of incentives need to be made to make [companies] successful and want to hire people. Of all the candidates out there, I think he’s the most qualified to address that issue.”
Dawson asked where Romney’s father stands when it comes to student financial aid and Pell Grants.
Romney, who mentioned that he’s not a “perfect policy guy,” was not able to answer and referred him to the campaign website for details.
After graduating from Brigham Young University in 2005 with a major in communications, Romney currently works at the advertising agency McGarry Bowen as an advertising music producer. The 31-year-old is married and has two small sons; the eldest named Parker, came along for the visit to FIU.
A member of the audience inquired about his fluency in Spanish, to which Romney responded that he learned the language while participating in a two-year mission in Chile. He narrates a recent Spanish-language television campaign commercial airing in Florida called “Nosotros.”
“My father has accomplished everything he’s needed to accomplish in life,” said Romney. “This isn’t something he needs to do and he doesn’t want power. He’s doing this because he wants to ensure that this country is in good hands for the next generation.”
The Republican primary in Florida takes place next week on Jan. 31, 2012.