Tomas Lopez-Melis/Contributing Writer
Renewed attention to bias has given media studies new urgency, an issue that writer and media sociologist John McManus will be discussed in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theatre on Feb. 15.
His latest book “Detecting the Bull,” an online book derived from ethical standards set by The Society of Professional Journalists, promotes accessibility to students used to getting their news online. Full video and audio follow the text in this derivative work that can teach journalism students “how to identify bias and junk journalism in print… in an era of buyer beware journalism,” McManus said.
The work provides a set of rules for accuracy based on empiricism: the logical assembly of reliable evidence. McManus likes to call it “bias detector,” a skill that can help readers detect omission in news content.
“The event is an interactive lecture which will force people to question their news providers,” said Pablo Haspel, speaker of the Senate of Student Government Council at BBC. “We will be showing different techniques which can be applied to any format of information to detect the bias and more importantly find what the bias is aimed for.”
McManus’ new book has received critical acclaim from journalist Judy Muller, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California, and former ABC correspondent and NPR commentator.
Muller says, “Detecting Bull is an outstanding piece of work — cogently organized, user-friendly in its presentation and full of great material. Real life examples are especially helpful and provocative (always great for classroom discussions).”
“Detecting the Bull” is co-sponsored by The Honors College and SGA. The event starts at 6:30 p.m.
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