Steve Mesa/Staff Writer
Author and activist Chaz Bono will speak as part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Awareness Week tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Wolfe University Center ballroom.
Bono has written three books including his latest one, “Transition: The Story of How I Became A Man,” which about his struggle to match his gender identity with his own body and his transformation from female to male.
Bono was also a competitor on last season’s “Dancing with the Stars.”
“His life and his book are a taboo topic that shouldn’t be because everyone is entitled to personal freedom of choice whatever it may be,” said Lauren Gonzalez, a senior journalism major.
In his lecture tonight, Bono will talk about his life experiences, including gaining acceptance from his family, and will touch upon a variety of LGBT issues such as marriage and transgender equality.
“I think he is a great speaker,” said Jeffrey McNamee, associate director of Multicultural Programs and Services. “He has a great platform and a great story to tell in his lecture.”
Craig Cunningham, the director of Campus Life, said that some FIU students did not understand the needs of transgender individuals.
“Many people at FIU are not aware that we have transgender student on our campus,” Cunningham said. “There are some needs for transgendered individuals such as gender-neutral bathrooms on campus and that they might have some special physical and emotional health services available to them.”
McNamee says that he hopes that people will come away with something good from the lecture by listening to Bono’s story with an open mind.
Tickets are available at the Information Desk in WUC for FIU students, faculty and staff. It is $10 in advance for the general public and $20 at the door. The lecture will be sponsored by Student Government Association, Student Programming Council and other FIU organizations.
“I hope they will learn more about gender-identity and understand that we as a community need to be conscious of the needs of transgender individuals,” Cunningham said.