Photo by Stephan Useche
Stephan Useche / Staff writer
Are you registered to vote?
Presidential elections are approaching and Organizing for America is making sure everyone at the University is registered to vote.
The project has been initiated by a group of volunteers that promotes and supports the democratic campaign, but don’t advertise for President Barack Obama when they register students.
Organizing for America also tabled at involvement fairs during freshman orientations, and according to Leonardo Curiel, president of College Democrats at MMC, they register 30 new students coming into campus every day.
“They make a big part of the population that votes, so we just need to make sure they vote,” said volunteer Alexandria Salvo, public relations major.
This movement has so far focused on Modesto Maidique Campus, but with its three new acquired Biscayne Bay Campus members, they hope to expand to BBC as well.
“I really think we should get more people to vote,” said Marisol Medina, journalism major. “I personally can’t vote, but if I could I would like that they come to me so I don’t have to go somewhere else.”
On the other hand students like Daniel Pallares, architecture major, finds it really annoying when they approach him since he’s already registered.
Even though this group supports the Democratic Party, they’re also receptive to register republican students.
“Even if you’re a Republican, we’re not going to take your registration and just throw it away,” said Salvo. “All we’re trying to do is make sure that every vote counts.”
According to Salvo, the Republicans’ strategy is voter suppression. Instead of trying to educate young people on the importance of voting, they would rather not and have the least amount of people involved.
The College Republicans at MMC did not register as many students as Organizing for America, but they have been promoting and encouraging the republican campaign.
Organizing for America has also been updating voter’s information, so when election day comes along, there are no problems at the polls.
“We not only want people to see our side; we want people to notice what each party is for,” said Curiel. “And that they decide on their own on which party to vote for.”