Aaron Pabon/Staff Writer
With the help of the University’s Mastery Math Lab; the pass rate for 2012 College Algebra has increased to 52 percent.
“I’m so proud,” said Suzanna Rose, director of the School of Integrated Science and Humanity. “The math department has been instrumental in helping this move forward.”
According to Rose, the increase has been based on numerous of factors.
Students are required to spend a predetermined set of hours a week in the Mastery Math Lab, depending on the algebra course they are enrolled in. The lab is stocked with 200 computers, each with programs related to math to help students.
“Last semester, students were going to the lab, but the the lectures,” said Rose. “We want them to go to both.”
The lab has started using iClickers to help students during lectures so professors and learning assistants to see what answers students are giving.
“The clickers have helped students a lot,” said Rose.
Rose credited the assistance of the Lab’s Learning Assistants, in being instrumental in the increase. Up to 30 learning assistants are employed to help students with their studies. The learning assistants take teaching courses in order to effectively help students.
“We have a full staff every hour. We have maximum assistance, and every time a person has a question, we help them out,” said Steven Samper, IT sophmore and learning assistant at the lab. “Even if they don’t raise their hand, and we see that they are struggling, we help them out.”