Internships: The Road to Employment

Adrianne Richardson/Contributing Writer

Finding a job in this economy is not easy, and the sad part about that is most of us
college students haven’t even started looking yet. Taking classes and finding an on
campus job is all good and merry, but it’s time for more students to start planning ahead.

With that being said, internships are one of the best ways to get a jumpstart into the
career of your dreams, or at least in the field. There is so much to be gained through
internships and although a salary may not be one of them, it is a great way to learn what
goes and what doesn’t in the field that you plan to go into.

There are so many students who only attend school and believe that once they graduate a
job is going to accept them.

It doesn’t work that way.

Employers enjoy hiring people with experience. You may have the degree, but if you haven’t
experienced the job and someone else has, who do you think is going to get the job? Not
you. So take this into consideration when you are sitting in class and thinking about what
career you are going to take by storm.

Internships are a strong way to get into the field of your dreams; I know this first hand.

I am currently on my third year as a Miami Herald intern and the connections that I have made throughout my experience is priceless.

I went to career fairs and met employers. I wrote articles and learned from my mistakes. I experienced the necessity of accuracy within journalism and this probably would not have happened if I didn’t have my internship.

I hear students asking all the time where they can work and learn their profession hands on, but I haven’t been exposed to anything. Well, fear not, Career
Services at Florida International University is here!

“Through conversations we have with employers, seniors struggling to find work, and

FIU alumni, the most important thing you can have is first-hand, real world, experience
when looking for a job. The best way to get that as a student is through an internship. It is
the best thing that students can do for themselves if they want to have their dream job!”
said Matthew Tanner, assistant director of internships in career services.

Students heed to his words of wisdom, please do not graduate without having done an


“Internships are definitely something I plan on getting into in my four years here at FIU.

I want to have all my brownie points when looking for a job in this economy,” said
freshmen Esmeralda Francis.

There is no excuse for us here at FIU with so many resources and having heard it a billion

times how important internships are. Don’t think about the pay because internships are
the way to employment.

Freshmen, it isn’t too early and seniors, it isn’t too late!

For information on internships and how to find one contact Career Services at 305-348-

2423 or email Matthew Tanner at

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