Vinson Pressley/ Staff Writer
So you think you can dance?
The Student Programming Council at Biscayne Bay Campus is having its first dance competition called Do You Think You Can Dance? The deadline to sign up is Friday, March 22.
The competition is open for student solo and group acts and will take place on April 9 at 6 p.m. in the Wolfe Theater at the Biscayne Bay Campus. The event is open to all students and members of the community.
Students who participate in the competition will have the option of working with choreographers for preparation of the show.
According to Judisha Chetty, graduate assistant for Campus Life-BBC, students will have the option of working with choreographers from the Dancing with the Wolfe series but it isn’t mandatory for preparation for the show. However, students must have their choreography ready and attend the orientation on Friday, March 29 in ballrooms 221-223 in the Wolfe University Center.
There are clear parallels between SPC’s dance competition and the talent shows viewers tune into every week.
According to Chetty, this event was born out of “pop culture” and talent shows such as “So You Think You Can Dance?” SPC’s event will be similar to the popular TV show: there will be judges and prizes given to the winning contestants. SPC plans to have a host and DJ but it has not been determined who will fulfill those duties yet according to Chetty. Nonetheless, Chetty believes that students will have a chance to showcase their talents and express themselves through dancing while also having the chance to receive recognition.
Jade Martincak, freshman business major who also danced with Hip Hop Kids for six years, likes the idea of FIU having its first dance competition. It will give everyone a chance to “work and play together,” said Martincak. “I dance to let loose and enjoy myself.”
Niloufar Firoozi-Badoorally, a sophomore biology major who also knows how to belly dance, thinks SPC’s dancing competition will be interesting and cool. It is the people one least expects, Firoozi-Badoorally said, who will compete. Given that FIU is international, the competition will probably have very diverse acts and performances.
SPC is aware of how popular these shows are and encourages students to express their ideas for shows and events. Chetty recommended that students voice their opinions about what they want to see and that SPC is open to all suggestions.