Yuck- Lose my Breath
Poets of Rythem- Funky Train
The Belle Game- River
Mialake Antiphon- The old and the Young
vampire weekend- Obvious bicycle
The bank Tapes- Blue Skies
Jaguar ma- Let her go
Gesaffelstein- Destinations
Ghost wave- I dont Mind
Moon Hooch- Number 9
Of MOntreal- my favorite boxer
Gauntlet Hair- Human Nature
Jai paul- Company
Head and the Heart- Another Story
Dent May- Born too Late
Tiger’s Jaw- Fake Death
Arctic Monkeys- Knee Socks
Is tropical- Dancing Anymore
Holograms-A Sacred State
Holograms -flesh and Bone
Brand New- Jesus Christ
title Fight- Shed
Courtney Barnett – Don’t Apply the Compression Gently
Tiger’s Jaw- The Sun
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