Photo by: Tilemahos Efthimiadis via Flickr
Diego Saldaña-Rojas/Staff Writer
No one cares to learn anymore and that’s just fine.
I do not expect the majority of students who attend this University to genuinely care about the acquisition of knowledge. I do not expect many to ponder the complex questions that life presents; nor to question themselves, their professors, their classmates or their government.
I expect a majority to scroll through Facebook, Upworthy, Tumblr and/or Pintrest while in class.
I expect only a select few to take notes and raise their hands to ask questions.
Only a fraction of those note-takers go to lectures that aren’t for extra credit.
When a professor does offer credit to attend a lecture I expect students to sit in the back and strain their necks downwards towards their phones, laptops or tablets.
I expect a look of bewilderment from many when topics such as politics, science, art and theology are brought up in a social setting, almost aghast that I didn’t bring up which football/basketball team is doing well.
Yet I don’t blame anyone.
Obtaining a university degree has become a societal standard, lest you wish to end up working in an “undesirable” career field. The demands of our society has made it so that anyone, for the most part, to be deemed successful and employable in a “respectable” field has to have a college degree.
A piece of cardstock with the words “Bachelor of Arts / Sciences in X or Y” has become a pass that facilitates survival.
We’ve been told that in our hyper competitive job market, even a bachelors degree won’t guarantee you a job. You need recommendations to get internships to get job experience and know somebody that knows somebody to get a job.
It does not matter if you are interested and knowledgeable in classical literature, philosophy, theology, political theory or sociology.
Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge has taken a back seat. For many, the process of obtaining a University degree is nothing more than a monotonous task: Clock in. Clock out and move on.
Everyone wants a degree but not everyone cares to learn.