Roberto Raimundez/Staff Writer
There are very specific situations in which students and their professors get to act as peers. A research symposium is just one of them.
The 2014 Biology Research Symposium will be taking place Saturday Feb. 1 in BBC at the Marine Science Building 150.
The Biology Research Symposium provides an opportunity for students and professors to come together and present their research to one another.
The spirit of the symposium helps break down the barriers between professors and students, allowing them to present their work among peers.
The symposium will cover all aspects of biology and research will be presented orally or with a poster diagram.
Potential presenters submitted abstracts that were reviewed by members of the Biology Graduate Association: Adam Zenone, Mike Britton, Julia Gehring, Jason Howard, and Rosa Rodriguez Pena.
“This year, there are more than five undergraduates presenting their own research, out of a total of forty presentations,” said Adam Zenone, Marine Biology graduate student. “Although normally a keynote speaker would also present, the symposium has a larger number of students applicants, and we felt that more opportunities to present should be offered.”
Zenone, who is Chair in the Organizing Committee, emphasizes that “organizing this event has been a huge team effort.”
During lunch break, attendees will have the opportunity to take a boat tour of the bay or go on a Lizard Walk with grad student James Stroud over lunch should the desire strike attendees.
Together the members of the Biology Graduate Association organized registration, funding, food, logistics of the events, and reviewed the presentations, with guidance offered by Dr. Kevin Boswell.
A number of possible FIU students will also be attending the Biology Research Symposium, which provides a meeting ground for the professors to interact and introduce them to fellow students and professors.
With over one hundred registered attendees, the symposium is a way for students to experience presenting to a large audience.
Additionally, the symposium will be streamed and broadcasted for people to view off campus should they miss it.