Comic book films to look forward to in 2014

Photo by Sam Howzit, via flickr 

Alexandre Nunez/Contributing Writer 

Can we agree that 2013 in film really sucked? Granted, 2012 was a monster year for movies and probably no other year will ever be on level with 2012, but damn, it sure felt like movies in 2013 didn’t even try to bring their A game. Comic book films especially dominated 2012.

There was “Skyfall’, the best bond film in years and an instant classic; granted, it’s not a comic book, but it’s basically taken the form of what comic book films aspire to be, a long successful franchise spanning over fifty, yes, count it, fifty years with twenty-three films. “The Dark Knight Rises”, the last of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. Very rare, but he did it, three solid films without one falling to the trilogy curse. Finally, the summer smashing hit “The Avengers”  rocked. With that said, here are the most anticipated comic book movies I’m looking forward to this year.


Release Date: March 7, 2014

About damn time. I constantly hear people talk about how the first was good but that it wasn’t historically accurate. Guess what? It’s not supposed to be. It’s based on a graphic novel. This is not a bio film or a historic war film, this is a comic book film and a really awesome one at that. It’s not meant to be accurate, it’s meant to blow your mind. Here’s hoping the sequel does as well.


Release Date: April 4, 2014

I have to be honest, I really wasn’t a big fan of the first one. However, there are two reasons why I am looking forward to seeing this one at the theater. One, Anthony Mackie and Robert Redford. Anthony Mackie is one of those young talents that is just remarkable. His work on small indie films is really good. So I’m excited to see him in a big budget film. And Robert Redford, still a hunk, still really cool, and a legend on and off screen. If there is any superhero film that he’d be perfect in as any character, Captain America had to be it. The Sundance Kid in a comic book film, who would of thought? Now my second reason is the following film.


Release Date: August 8, 2014

I wasn’t too excited when I heard Michael Bay’s name attached to this, but then I saw the toys and some leaked pictures and it has entirely changed my attitude. I’ve been saying from the start though and I’m going to continue saying it, I’m 25 years old and this movie is made for me, so back off children. Megan Fox as April O’Neil, yes please. Plus, its official, the first teaser trailer will debut with Captain America: The Winter Soldier in April. So that’s why I’m looking forward to seeing Caps. The Turtles are back! Cowabunga! Go ninja, go ninja, go ninja, go! Okay, I’ll stop now.


Release Date: August 1, 2014

I don’t know a single thing about these characters or the comic, but I saw the set pictures and the trailer and I’ve been hooked. Its seems like it will be Marvel Studios’ most intriguing film since The Avengers and I can’t wait to see it. It looks like it’ll be one of the more bizarre and entertaining comic book films to date.


Release Date: August 22, 2014

I’m getting shivers just writing about this one. Along with the Ninja Turtles movie, this one also has a tight grip on my heart. I feel ashamed and I will forever live with this shame that I did see the first one at the movie theater. This will not happen again. Since 2005, nine long years, and they’ve been long, we have yet to bear witness to anything like “Sin City”. The whole gang is back together again, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Rosario Dawson, Jessica Alba, and Jamie King. However, new faces like Josh Brolin, Jamie Chung, Ray Liotta, Jeremy Piven, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Eva Green will also appear. Is Frank Miller the king of comic books? It’s a debatable question, but when he puts pen to paper he constantly makes history and when he stood behind the camera with Robert Rodriguez the world of comic book movies exploded in a good way. They’re back at it again, here’s to another explosion, and this time I’m going to be there to see it.

Now I could’ve added “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” and “X-Men: Days of Future Past” and not to say that I’m not looking forward to them because I am, but there’s like so many Spider-Man films already and I’ve lost count of how many X-men films there are, that I think it’s safe to say those two franchises are not going to disappear from the screen any time soon.

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