This spring break I… Worked?

Photo by Reubeninstt via Flickr

Being college students we know what it is to not have too much money and so this spring break, I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to pick up a bit of extra money by working a side job.

I know most people have decided to take it off from school and relax, one lady told me that her daughter went to Daytona Beach where there’s a big Spring Break party, and while that does seem exciting, I thought it would be wiser to secure some extra funds.

Don’t think I’m bashing anyone who is taking a vacation, I know that I would love to, but personally I am trying to save up to get a new car seeing as my current car is on its last leg. I’m writing this to see what the rest of you are doing over spring break.

Have you decided to travel? Maybe spend time with family? Have you been catching up on school work or just taking cat naps? I’d love to know how your spring break 2014 went!

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