Shalom FIU gains Hillel’s support in Israeli Peace Week

Photo by Ishai Parasol via Flickr

Raul Alvarez/Staff Writer

The Israeli student group Shalom FIU and the Jewish student group Hillel YAD are hosting Israeli Peace Week, a celebration of Israeli culture on campus that will expose students to “all the awesome things Israel does,” said Fay Goldstein, president of Shalom FIU.

Each day of the week will highlight a different Israeli theme.

Today is Israel and the arts.

“The theme is Tel Aviv, a very liberal city in Israel that is huge on the arts,” Goldstein said. “Israel has an insane amount of artists and an insane amount of awesome films and theater productions.”

The groups will also build a large wall on campus for students and campus-goers to graffiti.

March 25 will highlight Israeli life.

An ex-Israeli Defence Force pilot will be teaching tai chi.

“It has nothing to do with Israel, but the point is to show that Israel is a regular place that does regular things,” Goldstein said.

In the afternoon, the Graham Center Pit will transform into an Israeli fair with pop music and cultural performances.

“We will highlight why Israel really is an awesome place beyond what everyone hears daily about the negative things thrown by the media,” Goldstein said.

This is not the first time Israel Peace Week has been held on campus, but it is the first time it has had the support of many students and the help of Hillel.

“Aside from spreading awareness that there is a group like us on campus, the goal is to spread general awareness,” Goldstein said. “We are an international school but a lot of people are not studying international studies. If you are an English major or engineering major, you are not really thinking about Israel or any particular country at all.”

Shalom FIU is not a Jewish organization. It is an Israeli organization started by a Christian student and a Jewish student about seven years ago, who shared a love and interest in Israel and wanted to do something about it.

Of the event, Goldstein wanted to make sure students are in the proper mindset.

“Come out and be willing to learn,” she said. “Drop your precognitions and preconceived notions. Open your eyes and be willing to talk to people because everyone is willing to talk. We welcome all kinds of discussion and dialogue and questions because set notions will not get us anywhere.”

Israeli Peace Week Calendar:

Monday 3/24    

  • Israel and the Arts
  • Artists and graffiti wall  GC Lawns 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Tuesday 3/25     

  • Israeli Life
  • T’ai chi  GC Lawns 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Fair  GC Pit 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Wednesday 3/26

  • Israel and Diversity
  • Movie: “Yossi and Jagger” GC 140 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Thursday 3/27

  • Israel and Humanities
  • GC tabling 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • IsraAid lecture GC 305 5:30 p.m. — 7:45 p.m.

Friday 3/28

  • Israel Advocacy
  • Future Leaders for Israel Conference at Florida Atlantic University

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