Rosenberg: bomb threat on campus cleared

Image by FIU, courtesy of Creative Commons.

Rebeca Piccardo/News Director

A possible bomb threat on campus Sunday morning was cleared by the early afternoon.

University police received a tip about a bomb threat in the Charles Perry building, also known as Primera Casa, at the Modesto A. Maidique Campus.. As a precaution, police alerted Miami-Dade County Police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to assist in checking out the threat and ensuring the safety of the university community.

The University community did not receive an alert about the possible threat in the morning, but later in the afternoon, President Mark B. Rosenberg sent out a University-wide e-mail to announced the threat has been cleared.

In the end, it was the help of FIUPD’s bomb sniffing dog, Robi, that allowed police to search and clear the building.

PC is the first building ever built in the University, and it houses the offices of the president, provost, board of trustees, admissions and financial aid, among others.

“We thank FIU students, faculty and staff for being active participants in safety and working with police to resolve this matter,” said Rosenberg in his memorandum. “The PC building is safe and normal operations have resumed.”

This story will be updated as more information become available.

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