SGC-BBC fund Meet Your Dean event and WUC flag display

Alex Blencowe/ Staff Writer

The Student Government Association met on Monday, Oct. 20, and appropriated a $1,000 budget for a dean meeting event hosted by the association.

Last week Wednesday, Oct. 22, during the Meet Your Dean event, students were able to get advice from professionals in their college and meet with advisors and their colleges’ deans, all without an appointment.

Jazmin Felix, SGA president at the Biscayne Bay Campus, said the event gave students the chance to get inside knowledge on building a career while pursuing degree programs.

Felix said the Student Government Council hosted the event because it is important for the council to know and address students’ concerns regarding their academic careers.

“As SGA members, you need to know the kinds of questions students want answers to,” said Felix.

Allhan Mejia, the speaker for SGC-BBC, agreed.

At the meeting prior to the event, Mejia reminded members to look their best, wear SGA shirts and introduce themselves to the deans.

He said the dean of the graduate school program was present, which gave prospective graduate students a chance to network and get their foot in the door.

SGC-BBC discussed funding for the 192 flags located in a glass display on the third floor of the Wolfe University Center.

The flags are a compact version of the flags previously displayed on the ceiling of WUC before undergoing renovations, used to represent FIU’s diversity.

WUC will cover maintenance costs for the display; however, SGC-BBC appropriated $4,001 to cover the majority of installation fees.

This year’s homecoming dance featured a social where current SGA members could meet with SGA alumni, gathering tips and tricks for making student government more successful.

According to SGC-BBC’s advisor, there were more than 50 attendees, and hosting the event next year is expected to attract more participants.

Faedrah Mahotiere, philosophy junior and senator of Arts and Sciences for SGC-BBC, encouraged any interested students and members to join the Internal Affairs Committee.

“We really do need new and more members. There are a lot of issues going on right now, and we could use the help,” Mahotiere said.

The council’s next meeting will be Monday, Oct. 27, in WUC 221.

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