Dating older people could mean newer experiences

Photo by Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr

Danielle Garcia | Contributing Writer

In your early 20s, as you begin to go out and mingle, you may easily dismiss guys with bad pick-up lines, regardless of their age. That being so, most guys you meet are a definite no.

I hope that when you go out, you will be classy and not white-girl-wasted, because the only men you will attract when you’ve had too much to drink, are creepy, if you attract any at all. Trust me, he’s not going to want to hold up your hair any more than your girlfriends do.

Keep in mind that you attract people based on how you act. If you want to meet a gentleman, then act like lady! I’m not saying you can’t be yourself and let loose a bit, but there is a fine line between being fun and being a complete mess. Unless, of course, you meet someone who gets down and silly like you.

Why not date older? When I say older, I mean someone relatively close to your age but can relate. When talking to my girl friends about dating, I’ve noticed we set age limitations for our potential partners. Beginning from our age to a 10 year difference.

Although going out with a 30-year-old who has their life sorted out more than a 21-year-old college student still living at home could be tricky, interests, hobbies, and friends define everybody’s realm. So, due to likelihood of similarity, staying within the five-year range could have a better outcome: You’re both close enough in age as to where your circle of friends can intermingle and meeting each other’s parents won’t be as awkward.

Don’t be scared to date someone 10 years older, though! It can be intriguing and fun.

Ideally, you want to have the same level of maturity. Just because you’re 20-something does not mean you have to play dumb. Both of you can show each other new interests. He will bring a different point of view and will definitely be less challenging than dating a frat boy still interested in playing games with you.

The older guy will be assertive and you’ll know he’s into you— no games and no roommates! He will hopefully show more chivalry than the frat boy, too; those details are highly appreciated! With age comes experience, which results in better judgment and performance. Dating someone older shouldn’t be scary.

Remember when you were in fourth grade and had a crush on the fifth grader who played soccer? Well, in college you’re bound to meet older guys and girls jut always find older guys interesting.

Although age is significant, the important thing is that, as you grow and date different people, you learn to know what you want and don’t want, and what you will and won’t put up with in a relationship.

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