By Stephanie Cruz
Contributing Writer
Thanks to the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, a typical Tuesday in the Graham Center now consists of blazers, button-downs and bowties.
The sharp dressers started this fashion trend last semester when the fraternity coined the craze Too Dapper Tuesday, inviting all of FIU to join in on the fashion fun.
“Originally we called ourselves the Too Dapper Tau Delta chapter. Later, in a meeting, we had the idea to create Too Dapper Tuesdays,” said Jayson Esdaille, current president. “The idea revolved around the fraternity dressing up in suits and ties, promoting the minority presence on campus, and we envisioned involving the entire FIU community.”
Too Dapper Tuesdays became an immediate hit. Suddenly, the hashtag was up everywhere, and soon after the entire National Pan-Hellenic Council promoted the trend, as well.
Quickly, the members of the Black Student Union began to post selfies and mirror pictures in their business professional interview-ready looks.
Even students unaffiliated with any organization became active Dapper participants.
Although the movement prepared students for career fairs and job interviews, improving the reputation and image of minorities remained a major factor.
Esdaille passionately expressed the root and necessity for what he hopes to be a new tradition.
“All of the recent negative media surrounding minorities quickly lead to negative stereotypes, so we believe that promoting professional attire and conduct would be a positive way to combat those stereotypes,” Esdaille said.
For Alpha Phi Alpha, the old saying, ”dress for the job you want, not the job you have,” is true, and they can definitely say they have a bright future ahead.