FIU Men’s Soccer Club looking to develop new talent

Joseph Busatto/ Contributing Writer

The FIU Men’s Soccer Club was established two weeks ago. But don’t be mistaken. This club has made moves and plans to be a large club sport at FIU. Even though they have just recently been formed, the club already has twenty members. Soccer is played eleven players versus eleven players, including the goalkeepers.

Club President Nico Scott formed the club because of his love of soccer and to stimulate the interest of others. Scott has been playing since he was five years old. Now, he leads this club as the striker of the team. Though, he originally was a goalkeeper and he found it too boring. Scott said his role as President is “Look out for every aspect of the club which would be financial, marketing, advertising and structural.”

The Club’s first practice is Friday, June 5th. According to Scott, it has taken awhile to find a practice date due to field availability and the schedules of club members. The first few practices are going to be a full game scrimmage setup to see the level of everyone’s skill and then look where they need to develop.

Scott believes that his team won’t be ready for this fall coming up. But he plans to continue to develop the players so they will be ready for a tournament in spring. During this process, he hopes to find some players within the club that could help him with the organizational part of the club and get everyone involved. And hopefully after a year of training and preparation, the team will be ready for the official season of Fall 2016 to play in their regional conference against other universities. However, in Fall 2015 he plans to advertise the club regularly at FIU to expand the club and add more talent.

Scott’s message to the university about the FIU Men’s Soccer Club is, “I think there’s a lot of talent of players at FIU and I would like to see it represented in the club. It is sad to know that there’s so much talent being wasted. You know, a lot of players try out for the varsity team. They’re very good, exceptional players and they don’t make it on the team for whatever reason. Then they go through their whole career wanting to compete in soccer and they’re not able to because they didn’t make it on the team. This gives them a chance to explore this opportunity.”

On a different track, Scott was asked how he felt about the FIFA executive corruption scandal. His response was hard to disagree with. “Money corrupts people. That’s what causes this stuff to happen. You know, the money is there. That’s where the corruption comes from.”

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