Club Fair Takes FIU

Damian Gordon | Contributing Writer

Classes have started again, meaning it’s that time of year where clubs are looking for fresh faces to join their ranks. There are new and old students to FIU trying to find out not only what they want to do, but also how to do it, making this week’s event something down their alley.

The Club Fair, organized and held by the Council for Student Organizations, is taking place on Wednesday, Sept. 2, in the GC Ballrooms from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  It’s open to all students with free food, giveaways and more throughout the event.

The event  starts Tuesday, Sept. 1 and features clubs under the categories of Academics, Engineering, GSO’s, Religion, Law & Political, and Medical. Wednesday’s Club Fair will consist of Arts, Business, Social & Cultural, Health & Wellness, Honors Societies, and Service.

“It allows clubs and organizations on campus to showcase what they have to offer to the student population,” said Joshua Soto, Marketing and Communications Director for CSO.

It’s no secret that doing extracurricular activities looks good on a resume, but it can also be an opportunity to network with others FIU students with similar interests and goals, while advancing a student’s career.

Some students, like Stephen Kalogeropoulous, communication arts major and Comics Club member,  joined “for the fun of socializing”.

Student life can also be beneficial for students’ wellbeing. According to a 2006 study published in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, students involved in campus life reported greater psychosocial developmental scores than uninvolved students.

Photos courtesy of Lorraine Apolis.

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