Prevent aging in the future, care for yourself

Sabrina Scovino//Contributing Writer

Perhaps you might think reading this won’t be of any use to you; after all you are only in your twenties. As a matter of fact, this is as relevant to you in your twenties as it is for you in your fifties. Cellular, hormonal and metabolic aging happens to all of us and the sooner we begin to work on preventing this, the better.

When I say, “prevent it,” I mean, preventing it from happening sooner than it should. It’s important to understand the fact that we cannot stop aging; it’s inevitable. The goal should be to delay this process simply by renewing our cells at a healthy rate and preventing our bodies from being overworked.

As we get older our bodies lower the production of mitochondria (the powerhouse) in each of our cells. As a result, we feel tired more frequently and find ourselves reminiscing on how active and indefatigable we felt a few years ago. To put it simply: the fewer mitochondria, the less energy; this is called “Metabolic aging.”

Another way our bodies are more prone to aging is that we are constantly exposed to numerous toxins, which can also be found in our foods. Our bodies try to fight these external toxins and excrete them from our system. The bad news is that the body cannot do this forever and it starts accumulating unwanted toxins. Therefore, by avoiding toxins we are preventing damage and inflammation, which will not only delay aging but also reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer and more.

Let your food come to the rescue when it comes to aging; the best part is that it’s never too late or too early to begin. Fuel your body with nutrients for cell replication and cell energy by consuming enough water daily, B vitamins and iron, to feel as energetic as a five year-old. With the help of antioxidants found in berries, green tea, nuts, etc., we can prevent damage from inflammation since they neutralize the free radicals that damage the structure of cells.

To maintain a young and vibrant youth, remember to detox your body and buy organic and top quality products. It’s important to keep a good variety when it comes to food. If you eat healthy, you’ll feel healthy. Trust me, your body will thank you each and every day that you don’t make it work more than it has to.

SDA Health is a weekly column by the Student Dietetic Association of FIU regarding health issues.


Photo Courtesy of: Creative Commons

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