Eneida Bermudez//Contributing Writer
“Unleash the Crown”, FIU’s annual homecoming court pageant, was held on Monday, Oct. 19. Some of FIU’s best and brightest performed talents on stage while showcasing their panther pride.
Sofia Prieto, Court Affairs Chair for the Homecoming Council, explained the process that each contestant has to go through. “First, you have to go through an interview and then you have to go through the voting that the student body elects… then also the pageant.”
The categories of the homecoming court consist of duchess, duke, princess, prince, queen and king. Contestants for every category had the opportunity to participate in the different aspects of the pageant.
In the first round, each contestant shared their favorite FIU memory with the audience. In addition to sharing their favorite FIU memory, the contestants for king and queen gave a short introduction.
In the second round, every contestant showcased their talents. The talents showcased were extremely diverse. Talents ranged from singing and spoken word to voice impersonations and dueling with light sabers. The talent portion was also an opportunity for contestants to show off their school spirit.
“My favorite part was the talent portion of the pageant. I’m really passionate about spoken word. I’ve written spoken word since I was really young. So being able to do that, a talent that I love… was just so fulfilling and felt so great.” said Kassandra Banko, homecoming princess finalist and communication arts major.
The third round was comprised of an FIU trivia question, followed by each contestant explaining why they wanted to win their respective title.
This round can be intimidating for many contestants. Current homecoming princess Mary Corbin shared words of advice. “Speak from the heart… just tell your story and show them who you are.”
Much like FIU’s diverse student population, the contestants who participated in the homecoming court pageant served as an excellent representation of the student body and the University’s “Worlds Ahead” philosophy.
“I think someone that is well-rounded and has FIU spirit… passion for extracurricular life, and the desire to inspire others,” said judge Melissa Pozo on what makes a good candidate for homecoming court. Pozo works at the President’s Office.
The Homecoming Duke and Homecoming Duchess were announced at the end of the pageant. In addition, the finalists for prince, princess, king and queen were announced.
The Homecoming Prince and Homecoming Princess will be announced at LXV Lounge, taking place on Friday, Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. in Kovens Conference Center at the Biscayne Bay Campus.
Homecoming King and Homecoming Queen will be announced at halftime of FIU’s homecoming football game against Old Dominion, starting at 6 p.m. in the Ocean Bank Field at FIU Stadium.