Editorial: Is there a need for two separate SGA branches?


One single student government organization branch should be enough to govern a student body. With a small number of students at the Biscayne Bay Campus compared to the Modesto A. Maidique Campus, there should not be a need for a BBC Student Government Council.

Only 15 percent of University students are enrolled at the north campus, according to the BBC Enrollment Center. Thus, BBC does not seem like a big enough campus that could benefit from two separate branches.

The sister campus is more of a small community that can benefit from sharing a same branch with the University’s main campus. Students and faculty members represent one university, so there should be a single student government concern about issues on all campuses.

FIU is not only represented by the north campus and the main campus, but also FIU at I-75 and the College of Engineering and Computing Campus. Each campus shares similar student and faculty concerns that can be more easily resolved in one student government branch.

Shared concerns include a lack of parking space, student health, campus life, dining services, financial aid and number of classes.

The Editorial Board is aware that each student government branch is concerned about their own particular campus issues, rather than having a whole focus on the University.

If there is only one university president for all FIU campuses, there should not be a need for two separate student government presidents, vice presidents, court justices and senators.

Without students living at the north campus, there is a very small number of students involved at the campus.

The construction of new  housing at BBC is expected to be completed by fall 2016. The housing, Bay View Hall, will be able to accommodate about 400 students.

With an additional 400 students, there is expected to be more campus life and student involvement.

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