Caloric intake also an important factor in healthy lifestyles

Kaeyla Sayago//Contributing Writer


Aside from making poor food choices, most people have no idea how many calories they should consume on a daily basis. They unknowingly eat foods high in calories and have no control over their weight.

In order to determine correct calorie consumption, we first need to understand what a calorie is and how it relates to the quantities and types of food we eat.

According to, a calorie is defined as “the amount of energy required raising one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.”

Our bodies burn calories for energy; we replace that burned energy by consuming more calories in the foods we eat.

Now, you may be wondering, what all of this means and how you can apply it to your own life. It’s actually quite simple; basically, a calorie is what makes up food along with fats, protein, and all the other nutrients.

In a sense, the number of calories a certain food contains is the amount of energy it should give your body. We need to figure out how many calories our bodies require before we can start counting our calories.

To identify how many calories an individual requires, a tool called a Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator, also known as a BMR Calculator is used. To use this calculator, simply input your age, weight and height and you’ll receive an estimate of how many calories you should consume on a daily basis to maintain your weight.

Most BMR Calculators also have a feature where you can input your physical activity levels and your weight goals to adjust your calories accordingly. To find these calculators, search “BMR Calculators” or simply visit:

Once you’ve determined how many calories your body needs on a daily basis, you’re ready for the next step. You can now establish how many calories are in the foods you eat and track them. Some consider this a burden but it can be very simple.
There are several free smartphone apps, such as MyFitnessPal, Calorie King or Fat Secret that keep track of your calories for you. All you have to do is enter the food and it tells you its caloric content. This makes counting calories so much fun.

The best way to have success in your fitness goals may be to count your calories. The only true way you can know what you’re putting in your body and how it’s affecting your weight is by tracking the caloric density of the foods you eat.

Download an app and try it out for at least two weeks. You’ll definitely notice improvement in your weight goals.

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