SIPA to host lecture about dog and human relationships

Leslie Ovalle/Asst. Entertainment Director


Laura Hobgood, religion and environmental studies professor at Southwestern University, will be speaking on this thousand-year-old relationships, which according to her has shaped both of the species’ journeys in such powerful ways that is it tough to imagine one without the other.   


The lecture is titled “Becoming Human and Dog Together, and it is part of a distinguished speaker series hosted by thee Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs.


It will be held Jan. 27 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wertheim Conservatory in rRoom 130.


“This event is open to all majors,” said Jessica Beck, a program specialist for the school of international relations and public affairs, “I think everyone can get something out of it, it’s going to be really interesting, learning about the relationship between humans and animals.”


Hobgood’s most recent scholarship is published in her book, “A Dog’s History of the World: Canines and the Domestication of Humans.” In the book she discusses anthropocene–an epoch that began when humans started to have significant impact on the Eearth’s ecosystems–suggesting that humans and dogs would be very different, had they not partnered with each other thousands of years ago.


These studies have proved this relationship to be a two-way street; however, some, like National Geographic, have taken it a step further stating: “We didn’t domesticate dogs. They domesticated us.”


One thing is for sure, human and dog relationships are one of the strongest and oldest  cross-species relationships in history, earning the furry, four-legged creatures the title of man’s best friend.


Beck can attest to this statement, she owns two dogs at the moment: a chocolate labrador named Andy and a tibetan spaniel named Shrug, “they are part of the family,” she said.


“I think we may look at our dogs differently after this lecture,” said Beck.
For more information on this event contact the school of international relations and public affairs at 305-348-7266

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