Sketching in the galleries at the Wolfsonian-FIU

Leslie Ovalle/Asst. Entertainment Director


The Wolfsonian-FIU will he hosting it’s first Sketching in the Galleries event of the year this Friday, Jan. 29 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. These sessions are hosted the last Friday of every month  (excluding November and December, due to holidays).


Sketching in museums is a long, honored tradition in art studies; from novices, to amateurs and professionals this fundamental part of the art process has led to bolstered inspiration and sharpened technique.


“Lots of classical artists have trained with this technique, it’s very common” said Heather Cook, public programs manager at The Wolfsonian.  


The museum will provide participants with sketching tools, such as pencils, sketch paper, a clipboard and a stool.


“[Participants] should look forward to having fun and looking at things in a new way,” said Cook.


The activity is led by Carlos E. Prado, a museum artisan at The Wolfsonian-FIU and a lecturer at the University of Miami’s department of art and art history. Prado was also the head of the sculpture program at the visual arts school, ISA-University of the Arts of Cuba.   


He will lead the sketching activity in both Spanish and English, walking around the galleries giving each participant a one on one.


According to cook, this event is attended by people of all ages, nationalities and talent.


Sketching in the Galleries came about a few years ago from a grant program that encouraged Wolfsonian staff members to propose ideas for new innovative projects and this was one of the winners.


“It’s been really successful,” said Cook, “every once in awhile I’ll jump in and so some sketching myself; you tap into your inner kid and it reminds you how fun it can be.”


Cook advises everyone to enjoy the process, not focus on the result, “it will show you to view the artwork from a new angle.”


For more information about the Sketching in the Galleries event contact the museum at 305-531-1001 or visit



Image courtesy of Wolfsonian-FIU

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