‘Fun and comfortable’ group fitness

Alexis Culmer/ Contributing Writer

Raymond Clamens is one of the instructors of Hard Bodies at the FIU Recreation Center. According to Clamens, the class is designed to, “… tone and build lean muscle and burn calories at the same time.“

He took the same class when he was a student because he didn’t like the atmosphere of a weight room and enjoyed the group setting.

When one of the instructors left, he decided to apply for the position. He then got certified and has been teaching the class for a year.

“I used to be in the army so that is where my fitness background came from,” he said.

“Fitness in the army is not fun. You don’t get music and you don’t get to do what you want to do.”
It’s important to Clamens to keep his classes fun and comfortable, so he plays music to distract the students from the intensity of the workout.

”You are not counting so you don’t know that you just did 900 repetitions until I tell you,” he said.

Breanna Grey, a student who frequently attends the class, agrees.

“I love the music he plays. It’s Caribbean music so when I hear it I’m more pumped, and he changes up the exercises so that your muscles don’t get used to it,” she said.

Clamens also offers some advice for those who are intimidated by the idea of taking a group class.

“You just have to try and find one that you enjoy because a lot of the times people get into working out, but if they are not doing what they enjoy they’re not going to stick with it.”

Clamens also shared his fitness philosophy saying, “fitness is not about appearance; it’s not about age, because nobody knows how strong your heart is. Your heart is a muscle, but nobody can see that unless you show it in your effort.”

Clamens is no stranger to the FIU community; he has completed two graduate degrees with FIU an MBA and an MS in International Real Estate at the Brickell campus. He also works as the Logistics Manager for the FIU Army ROTC.

Clamens says that he “really enjoys teaching as a way of giving back to FIU.” He also adds  “I think I have the ability to motivate people to do things they normally wouldn’t think they could do.”

If you are interested in taking Hard Bodies with Clamens, visit the Recreation Center group fitness schedule online. Clamens also teaches spinning and plyometrics.

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