Michael Analco/Contributing writer
Student Government Association (SGA) has been in charge of decisions that have changed the landscape of FIU. As is the expectation, students long to see exactly what happens within the senate chambers in GC 150 during SGA meeting times.
As part of an initiative to bridge the gap between SGA and the student body, “Cafecito Con SGA” is a three-part series with the purpose of transparency towards the inner workings of our student government.
It intends to create a comfortable environment between students and student leaders to discuss university-related issues and for those within SGA to hear the opinions and solutions of students.
MMC SGA Vice-President Michelle Juarez believes it’s important to integrate the opinions and thoughts of students into any decision of issue that is discussed in SGA.
“For us [SGA] It’s all about getting to know our students and getting to know what concerns they had or what things they thought we had to work on as well as their expectations for us,” Juarez said to Student Media. “That’s why we called it ‘Cafecito’; to make it feel more at home.”
Many of students like Curtis Litwiller, a junior in hospitality management, are very open to the idea of SGA transparency.
“I think it’s a great idea,” said Litwiller. “I thought ‘Cafecito’ was all there was to it. I didn’t know it was for SGA to openly say what they were working on.”
The flyer features the slogan “Come for the coffee, stay for the conversation!”
“It’s just a way to, kind of, have an open-door policy with our students,” Juarez said. “We understand that in can be intimidating to come to our office, so we went out and sought students.”
With the first part of the three-part series having happened on Sept. 20th, you can meet and discuss with our SGA Executive Board tomorrow, Oct. 13 at noon by the Kissing Bridge and help yourself to a nice cup of coffee at the same time.
Image by Meligrosa, retrieved from Flickr: