Panther Power throws Roary’s birthday bash

Alondra Bodden/Contributing Writer

You’re Invited!

Calling all FIU Panthers, break out your party hats because it’s officially time to celebrate.

FIU’s loveable mascot, Roary, is going to be celebrating his 29th birthday this year at The Biscayne Bay Campus.

Every year, this event is promoted as an extravaganza during homecoming week and is held by Panther Power, the official committee for promoting athletics and school spirit at the University.

Rosemona St. Jean, senior biological sciences major is the president of Panther Power for the 2016-2017 school year. She explains that Panther Power is the spirit council at the BBC.

“Our mission is to evoke school spirit and take pride in everything we do, we want our students to be proud. It’s also an opportunity for students to be able to network in our school. I feel as though the more involved you are, the more successful you can be at FIU,” said St. Jean.

Roary’s Birthday Extravaganza is Panther Power’s biggest event of the year, with last year’s attendees totaling at 250 to 300 students.

“There will be a lot of things happening this year at Roary’s celebration,” said St. Jean. “We will be having a dessert challenge which is being sponsored by the School of Hospitality. There will be clubs tabling at the event, so this is an excellent opportunity to get involved. As well as free food, giveaways, entertainment and even the opportunity to win a scholarship, which we hope will encourage students to come out.”

The Alumni Association will be there giving out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize scholarships to winning students. For more information and the entry form, please visit

“We hope and encourage students to come out, relax and celebrate Roary’s birthday with him. Not only is it his birthday, but it’s also our birthday as an institution,” said St. Jean.

Panther Power believes this event should help bring out or elevate the pride students have for FIU.

“Roary represents the spirit of our institution … It’s our collective birthday as an institution and that’s something to celebrate,” said Shontay Khaleel White, student engagement manager at the BBC.

Panther Power is also providing a free shuttle service for BBC students to be transported to the Modesto Maidique Campus for the homecoming game. It will also take those students back to their campus.

The first shuttle will depart from BBC at 1:30 p.m. for the FIU parade, which will begin at 3 p.m. and the second shuttle will depart at 3:15 p.m. for the homecoming game, which starts at 6 p.m.  

St. Jean expressed the importance of signing up for the shuttle through OrgSync. This will ensure an accurate headcount; if not enough people sign up for the shuttle, then the service will be canceled.

“I’m definitely so excited for homecoming week and Roary’s birthday,” said Nuris Rodriguez, junior biology major. “I love the spirit that we FIU students have for our school, everyone here is happy all the time. I think that Roary really represents us pretty well as a university. He’s always upbeat and happy and ready to put a smile on your face.”

Roary’s birthday extravaganza will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 6, at BBC’s Panther Square from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“Homecoming week is always a fun time,” said Sebastian Neira, sophomore exercise science major. “Roary’s birthday reminds us of how far we’ve come as an institution. Plus, it’s an opportunity to be engulfed in Panther pride and … take a break from being elbow deep in school work.”

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