Writing club offers space for students to be creative

Lisbette Castillo/Contributing Writer

The Students WRITE club seeks students with a passion for writing to help cultivate their creative and academic work.

The recently re-established club – as of spring 2016- helps facilitate students’ creative writing in any medium through gatherings, activities, publications and collaborations with other clubs. It provides a space for people interested in writing and receiving feedback for their work.

“[W]e hope to facilitate a space where people can create and hopefully be inspired by others in the club as we give suggestions to not only continue writing, but to improve as they continue to do so,” said club member Chikanma Pondexter.

Treasurer for Students WRITE, Manuel Paiz, said any student who wants to work on their craft with fellow FIU students is more than welcome to join.

“Students have mainly been able to find peers to bounce off ideas off and a space to perform their works,” said Paiz.

Pondexter said the club allows her to seek help and advice from others that she can apply in her writing.

“… As someone with an interest in writing, but has always found the creation process to be quite intimidating, it has provided me with a space that gave me the initiative to create and write my own stories,” said Pondexter.

The club compels students to write daily prompts, which Pondexter said pushed her to write every time.

“It was really nice to connect with people and see what pieces they had to share with us each meeting,” said Pondexter.

In February, the club will host an event called “Writer’s Block,” which will focus on strategies to prevent the creative block for writers.

At the end of the semester, the club will also hold their signature event called “Creative Corner,” where people get to showcase anything they’re working on. Snacks and refreshments are provided.

“Any students can come and perform or show their works, be it written, sung, spoken or filmed,” said Paiz.

Pondexter says it’s a way for people to share their material with others in a relaxed atmosphere.

Paiz also added that there is no major requirement to join the club. 

“If anyone has an interest in writing, but has always felt either intimidated or just at a loss as to where to start, I would definitely recommend, at the very least, coming to one of our meetings and checking us out,” said Pondexter.

For more information on the Students WRITE club, including meeting times, visit https://orgsync.com/9692/chapter.


Photo retrieved from Flickr

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