Brett Shweky // Staff Writer
With the fall semester in the rear-view mirror, spring intramural sports are about to start, offering students the opportunity to compete regardless of their athletic ability.
Sports included in this semester with seasons approaching at the end of January are intramural basketball, indoor soccer and racquetball. Team tennis, dodgeball and arena football will begin in March.
Registration for basketball and indoor soccer began on Jan. 8 and will continue until Jan. 25.
There is a $30 registration fee for anyone interested in playing either sport. Regular season for both sports will start on Jan. 30 and run until March 3.
Basketball will be played as a traditional 5-on-5 with two 20-minute halves. Everyone including sororities, fraternities and unified leagues can participate. A minimum of four players, however, is required to create a team.
FIU student Zach Racine said there’s a chance he will participate in 5-on-5 basketball.
“It seems like intramurals are a good way to stay involved with a sport that I grew up playing,” he said. “It just sounds fun competing against one another.”
Teams for indoor soccer will consist of five players each with no goalkeepers, and the maximum roster size for a team is limited to 20 players.
“Soccer is a great way to stay in shape and meet new people,” former intramural soccer player Ashley Stokes said. “From the games to practice, it’s just an overall good experience.”
Racquetball registration will end on Jan. 25, and the season will begin Jan. 29 and end on Feb. 19. There is a $5 registration fee, and games will be held at the MMC tennis center.
To sign-up or to learn more information about FIU intramural sports visit