SGA MMC welcomes students to spring semester with calendar of events

Alan Collazo/ Staff Writer

Dear Panthers,

My name is Alian Collazo, your proud student government President at the MMC campus. On behalf of myself and the entire SGA team, we’d like to welcome you to the 2017 spring semester.

We hope that you enjoyed the holidays with friends and family. This semester is bound to be one full of action. SGA is planning to continue to engage with you on a monthly basis through our “Cafecito with SGA” series.

We hope you will join us on Tuesday, Jan. 31 in GC from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. I am happy to announce that for finals last semester we were able to provide free printing and hundreds of free bus rides between MMC-BBC in conjunction with the student government of BBC.

We continue to make progress in our advocacy efforts at the local, state, and federal levels. Locally, we continue to focus our efforts on the FIU expansion into the fairgrounds. SGA will plan and spearhead a student protest in the month of March, therefore, please stay tuned as we will need your participation.

At the state level we have been advocating and working to have Bright Futures extended for use in the summer. There are positive indications that legislation will be introduced into the state legislature to have that become a reality before the end of April.

Federally, we are stressing the importance of full year Pell Grants to our South Florida delegation. Once again, there is positive movement at the federal level by both parties to make this become a reality

SGA has put together a calendar of events this semester that will continue to shine light on the needs, work, and priorities of YOU, our constituents. Please follow us on Instagram (@fiusga) and Facebook to keep up with our events, and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter.

Please know that myself and the entire SGA team are honored to be able to represent you during this academic year. Whenever there’s an issue, concern, or idea that you’d like to address please know that you’re always welcome at our office in GC 211.

In Panther Spirit,

Alian A. Collazo

Student Body President & University Trustee

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