Daniela Perez/ Staff Writer
If you’re attending Florida International University and currently do not have a job, consider yourself lucky.
While a job is helpful in more ways than one, it might not let you fully enjoy what it means to be an FIU student. Hindering the FIU experience, however, doesn’t necessarily mean halting it. Our school offers a broad variety of campus life activities and two beautiful campuses that make time management easier and more enjoyable. With weekend plans and dawn to dusk activities, being an involved student doesn’t mean you can’t keep up with a part-time or full-time job.
So, how does a student maintain balance? With beautiful installments and various locations to study in, campus life for a working student could be discovering and taking advantage of study nooks, just like Martina Corral, a junior majoring in psychology, does.
“It’s not easy. My studies are my main priority and my term for “campus life” is studying on campus when I can,” Corral said.
Modesto Maidique Campus offers plenty of peaceful study areas such as the green grass in front of the Ryder Business Building. From Vicky’s Cafe to Barnes & Noble, studying on campus is the most valuable experience when it comes to campus life, even for online students. Due to time management, Corral said, she decided to take a few online classes this semester but it hasn’t stopped her from interacting with her classmates.
“ [We] meet on campus to get to know each other and to study,” Corral said.
From what I’ve seen, the two most popular places to meet are the library and Vicky’s Cafe, but meeting at Vicky’s can lead you to another discovery: the Frost Art Museum right next door.
Although working students may not be as involved in extracurriculars, the fact that there’s a campus like MMC at their disposal is essential when it comes to campus life. Taking a different route to class will open your mind and lead to more discoveries and if you work, take advantage of studying on campus and any other resources offered. You never know who will help you or what you’ll discover.
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Photo taken from Flickr.
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