Students weigh in on coffee preferences at MMC

Srishti Jaiswal/Contributing Writer

Coffee Please

Nia Young/PantherNOW

Coffee plays an important role to all college students and faculty members by keeping their minds and bodies focused.

During the last week, Feb. 17 through Feb. 19, students and faculty were polled about where they go for coffee on campus and why.

The results are as follows: at Starbucks, 70 percent of students and faculty go there due to better prices, a better environment, the timing as it’s open until 11 p.m., and they can study there or hang-out together, have meetings, and get-togethers, etc.

At the bookstore, 15 percent of students and faculty go there for its better prices, because it has a Starbucks coffee machine, it’s close by, and because they can grab a book and have coffee at the same time.

At Café Bustelo, 10 percent go because it’s near their class and it has a good environment.

Only 5 percent go to Dunkin Donuts because it’s far and it’s more crowded than Starbucks.

Given the data, most of the students and faculty polled love to go to Starbucks and they go because they like its environment.

Image retrieved from Flickr.