SGC-BBC reflects on spring 2017 events

Photo courtesy of SGA

Rachael Rampersad/SGC-BBC Director of Public Relations

The month of February was quite a productive one for SGC BBC. With the officers now properly adjusted to their new positions, SGC has been busy setting change into motion here at Biscayne Bay.

SGC BBC elections took place this month. Applications for office in 2017-2018 academic year were accepted and candidate meetings will begin in the first week of March. Good luck to all prospective officers.  

SGC BBC hosted their Town Hall meeting on Feb. 13 with President Mark Rosenberg.  Students got to know him and his executive board, asked questions and made suggestions during the forum.

They also gained knowledge on new developments at FIU as well as future plans for the university. During this meeting, President Rosenberg announced the Golden Promise Initiative which states that, beginning with the incoming Fall freshmen, FIU will fund 100 percent of tuition for students who have 0 EFC deemed by FAFSA.

He said, because of this new initiative, there should be no student who cannot afford to go to college. We look forward to seeing this initiative in action.

During the meeting, many prominent issues were discussed including class availability, student health insurance, traffic, etc. One issue that headed the forum was the cost of the shuttle between campuses.

SGC BBC president, Allhan Mejia and vice president, Leo Cosio, have since been working diligently on a plan to help lower the cost of the shuttle for students who use this service. Stay tuned for updates on the development of this initiative.

SGC BBC hosted the “The Importance of Local Politics” seminar on Feb. 22, where several local politicians and leaders spoke about the recent developments in their respective cities. Present at this seminar was North Miami Beach Mayor, George Vallejo and  Vice Mayor of Aventura, Mike Narotsky as well as BBC’s vice provost, Steve Moll. Students got the opportunity to ask questions and network with the speakers and become familiar with the happenings in their cities.

On March 7, chef and entrepreneur Michelle Bernstein will be lecturing at BBC as part of SGC BBC’s lecture series. Bernstein hails from Miami and is known for her latin-style cuisine and has won many awards for her culinary excellence including the prestigious James Beard Award for Best Chef-South.

She will be lecturing about preserving culture through food. The event will be held in the WUC Ballrooms at 7 p.m. Students are highly encouraged to attend.

Internationally-known author, political activist and scholar, Angela Davis will the keynote speaker at the “Women Who Lead” conference, taking place on March 22. She is one of the many powerful women that will be present. The conference, taking place in the WUC Ballrooms, will comprise of many empowering and motivational lectures from women who have excelled in their fields of work. Come out and be inspired by these spectacular women.

There is a lot in store for the student body in the month of March, so stay tuned for further updates on all the happenings of SGC BBC.

Rachael Rampersad is the SGC-BBC director of public relations. Rachael will be contributing a monthly column to inform students about what is happening inside SGC-BBC. For comments or suggestions pertaining to this column, email

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