SGC-MMC wants extended break in fall

Nia Young/Entertainment Director

As SGC-MMC looks toward SGA elections and a new council, the current SGC-MMC administration comments on the issues they wish they had more time to address.

“One of the big ones would be … getting some kind of [extended] break during the fall semester. We found that there’s no opportunity for  students to have down time in fall, said Michelle Juarez, junior SGC-MMC vice president.

Juarez has been involved with student government since her freshman year, starting out as an intern and working her way up to her current position, vice president. Juarez feels that setting goals is important for an administration, as well as “transparency and being able to connect to our student.”

“The issue of fall break “ties into the mental health of students… because for a lot of students, fall tends to be a little bit harder because it feels like it’s never going to end,” said Juarez, who is running for running for SGC-MMC president.

Juarez says that fall break will definitely be on her platform for president.

Other issues that this year’s SGC-MMC administration wishes they could have covered better include engaging students at the engineering center, and better educating students on FIU resources.

On behalf of this year’s SGC-MMC administration, Juarez encourages the next administration to “take into consideration, not just one issue… but look at [the issues at FIU] from a big point of view” and collaborative consider collaborative issues between MMC and BBC student government.

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