Federal Communications Commission affects the artistic value in entertainment industry

Christina Guerrero/Contributing Writer

Censorship has ruled the entertainment business for over a century. Some people believe certain words, activities,and music shouldn’t be allowed or should be cleaned up for the general audience. This causes the controversy of limiting the creative freedom of speech.

Film, television, radio, music and books are constantly being regulated by the Federal Communication Commission, since 1934. The content has to follow the codes and regulation for it to be successfully published or broadcast. If it has enough complaints, offensive, or high-risk content it will be banned completely or have limited views.

The first amendment states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Bill of Rights, 1791.

In the entertainment industry, it can be a constant fight to have worked release to the general public. Attempting to regulate someone’s work can potentially break the law of the first amendment. Some artists, writers directors and other creatives will constantly get in trouble because of their beliefs and views.  

In 2007, a heavy metal band, Slayer performed on the Jimmy Kimmel Show but only after editing out 40 percent of the song “Jihad” because it was written from the perspective of a terrorist.  

“Censorship should not be in the entertainment industry. If you don’t want to watch, hear, or see it then change it. When you live in this perfect world, you wouldn’t know what to do when reality hit. The FCC can’t limit someone’s artistic expression or work. That’s the whole point of the first amendment,” Terica Williams said, a sophomore majoring in journalism.

Some believe that the media has a negative influence on the audience. James Holmes, 29, killed 12 people and wounded 58 in the theater of the “Dark Knight Rises” premiere. He claimed he wanted to be the Joker from the Batman series.

“I wouldn’t want my younger family members to adopt a negative behavior because they saw it on a media platform and it’s cool to them. Yes, parents do have control over what their kids see but not all the time with easy access to the Internet everywhere you go. The only way to stop it is to increase the censorship. Think about the future, “ Vanessa Leal said, a junior majoring in education.

From the early 1900s to the 2000s,  sex, violence, drugs, race treatment, LGBTQ+ activity, profanity, terrorism and certain words were banned from the general audience. The FCC is more accepting on content from the entertainment industry with the reality of today but not enough to not offend the first amendment.

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