By Tanvi Hathiramani
The argument of whether men are more successful or financially stable than women have been up in the air forever, but I’m here to end that argument.
A topic like this is often debated upon, usually by men with a fragile ego. According to the Earnest blog, “Across the board, millennial women are more likely than men to say they have already reached a milestone they said represented financial adulthood.”
And quite frankly, the statistics prove it. According to the statistics, 65 percent of millennial women have a stable job, while 53 percent of millennial men have jobs. But, to understand the statistics, you have to understand the cultural aspect, why have millennial women excelled, compared to generation X?
Today, instead of keeping women indoors, for the most part, women are being accepted in the workforce and being encouraged to conquer the world rather than to fear it.

Infographic by: Tanvi Hathiramani/PantherNOW
Another noticeable change that has affected these gaps, is women’s newfound independent lifestyle. While family life was a priority for the baby boomers, it’s no secret that millennial women are thinking about themselves now and how they can better their own life and financial status before even getting married or starting a family.
Whether it’s starting your own business by the age of 25, or getting your masters before even thinking of getting married, the millennial woman has managed to take over without even realizing it.
Let’s take my boss, for example, Ashley Curbelo, she started her own business at the ripe age of 18. Funnily enough, her main influence was her father who she calls a risk taker.
“I was lucky enough to start my own company at 18, and 4 years ago I was able to open a physical boutique. I started young,” said Curbelo.
She, like many other women, believes that before you can support someone else in a relationship you have to be able to support yourself.
“When I have a child I want to be able to support my child, as well as know that I have something to come back to. I have my own store, and I can do it my way,” said Curbelo.
As an intersectional feminist, I applaud every woman out there encouraging themselves, and fighting the status quo. We all know there are still people out there who refuse to acknowledge the advancement of women in the workforce and in schools, so to be quite honest, writing this column makes me pretty happy.
In the 1960’s many young girls had one goal when they got married: to start a family. Today, speaking to girls my age, we all share a common ideal, we can’t take bigger steps in serious relationships without being comfortable with our own jobs or our finances.
According to the US Census, in the past 10 years, women are more likely to get their degree than men are. Which also causes a large increase in the number of women finding stable jobs, and being to buy house and cards on their own.
But there’s definitely hope for our male counterpart, there’s always room for improvement and men are on their way, their working to close that gap. But for now, who runs the world? Millennial Girls.