EDITOR’S NOTE: Congratulations Grads! Now what?

Michelle Marchante's first Editor Note

Michelle Marchante Editor in Chief of FIU Student Media

Michelle Marchante/Editor-in-Chief

As Student Media’s new editor-in-chief for the 2018-2019 school year, I’d like to congratulate everyone for making it to the end of the semester. As students, we know how hard it is to juggle school, work and a social life, which is why we’ve decided to dedicate our last theme magazine of the semester to Graduation.

Throughout the magazine you’ll find profiles on students who are “Worlds Ahead” such as Christopher Herrera, a student who will be beginning medical school after only being at the University for two years. He graduated high school in 2016.

Thursday, April 19, 2018 Panther Magazine Cover. Designed by Editor-in-Chief Michelle Marchante. Cover Photo by Gerard Albert/PantherNOW Cover Photographer.

Thursday, April 19, 2018 Panther Magazine Cover. Designed by Editor-in-Chief Michelle Marchante. Cover Photo by Gerard Albert/PantherNOW Cover Photographer.

We also cover the intricacies of graduation, ranging from summer enrollment problems to what graduating seniors wish they would have known earlier. You can read all about this on page 3 and 5 of our magazine.

But, while graduation is a festive time, it’s also bittersweet as graduating seniors will be leaving teams, clubs and friends behind. Student Media itself will also be saying goodbye to members of our family and columns from our graduating seniors can be found within these pages. Turn to page 8 and you’ll also find an article on the dilemma our undefeated men’s soccer team has now that seven of their players are graduating.

And if you visit page 7, you’ll find columns on whether grads should travel instead of securing a job post-graduation and why the concept of graduating in four years is “like a shopping mall.”

We know the pressure to ace classes has begun with finals beginning next week, but from Student Media to you, we want to just say, relax, study and enjoy because these four years won’t last forever.


Note: This Editor’s Note appeared in the physical copy of Panther Magazine’s Graduation issue, which was published on Thursday, April 19.


Feature Image by Michelle Marchante/PantherNOW


About Post Author

About the Author

Michelle Marchante
Michelle Marchante is the 2018-2019 Editor-in-Chief of PantherNOW. Majoring in broadcast journalism, she lives and breathes web, print, radio and TV news 24/7. You can connect with her on Twitter @TweetMichelleM