By: Nicole Stone/Assistant News Director
Universities can no longer use race as a factor for admissions under the Trump administration.
Under the Obama administration, guidelines were issued to encourage diversity in education by supporting affirmative action. An applicant’s race was one of the factors many universities can legally consider when making admission decisions that to increase the diversity.
On Tuesday, July 3, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared that the guidances made by the previous administration were unconstitutional and issued improperly, according to his statements in an article posted by the Office of Public affairs on the Department of Justice’s website.
“In the Trump administration, we are restoring the rule of law. That’s why in November I banned this practice at the Department and we began rescinding guidance documents that were issued improperly or that were simply inconsistent with current law,” Sessions said.
According to the press release, last November, the Department of Justice was prohibited from using guidance such as the 24 counsels made by the Obama administration in 2011 and has since began targeting certain guidance documents for repeal.
“Today we are rescinding 24 more and continuing to put an end to unnecessary or improper rulemaking,” he said.
At FIU, where the student population is heavily composed of minorities, the nullification of these 24 guidelines should not have an effect on the way admissions are conducted, according to University President Mark B. Rosenberg.
“We remain committed to providing access to higher education for students of a variety of socio-economic, educational and cultural backgrounds,” the email read. “FIU mirrors our community; diversity is a natural and integral part of who we are.”
Rosenberg said in a statement to the press that race was never a consideration at all when admitting students in the first place. In fact, Florida law prohibits the use of race in admission decisions, so consequently, the University does not consider race in its process either, he explained.
Florida’s Executive Order #99-281, drafted by Jeb Bush while he was governor in 1999, rejects affirmative action in higher education and government employment in order to prevent discrimination.
“I hereby request that the Board of Regents implement a policy prohibiting the use of racial… preferences or quotas in admissions to all Florida institutions of Higher Education” read Section 3 subsection b of the executive order.
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