By: Anna Radinsky/Assistant News Director
The University’s Global Indigenous Group hosted events throughout the week of Oct. 8 to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Week.
2018 was the first year that the Student Government Association recognized Indigenous People’s Day on Columbus Day.
The following contains a gallery of the events:
On Monday, Oct. 8, the Indigenous People’s Day Celebration occurred on the Graham Center lawn.
On Wednesday, Oct. 10, the Kuyayky Foundation from the Andes in Peru held a cultural workshop on the erasure of Indigenous identities in the Americas.
On Thursday, Oct. 11, panelists led a discussion on the global challenges that Indigenous women face.
On Friday, Oct. 12, Maalik Papasimbi, a grandson of traditional Haitian healers, led a cultural workshop on traditional Haitian Voudon, opposing the mainstream stigmatization of “Voodoo.”
Photos by Anna Radinsky, Beulah Antoine, Victoria Abella/PantherNOW; Cesar Castillo/Global Indigenous Group