FIU Turkey Trot flocks to Biscayne Bay Campus

Cristina Gonzalez/Contributing Writer

It’s November, which means it’s time for the annual FIU Turkey Trot. Students, faculty and staff and their families can partake in the annual Thanksgiving marathon.

“I’ve been attending the Turkey Trot for three years and this year I’ll be attending again. Having people come together and spend the entire morning sharing with others is what I think the whole event is about,” said Muriel Almeida, a junior majoring in journalism.

Traditionally, Turkey Trots are held across the country as a way for participants to burn off calories before indulging themselves with a delicious Thanksgiving feast. This year, the event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 17 at the FIU Aquatic Center on the Biscayne Bay Campus.

Whether you want to run or walk, there is a place for you at the Turkey Trot. The race is divided into four separate divisions: men’s three-mile run, women’s three-mile run, women’s three-mile walk and men’s three-mile walk.

A Turkey Trot wouldn’t be complete without a turkey; the first place finishers in each category will be awarded with a gift basket and a free Butterball turkey. The following five runner-ups in each category will also be taking home a turkey just in time for Thanksgiving Day.

In order to partake in the trot, all runners and walkers must bring in food items that will be donated to the FIU Student Food Pantry.

The Wellness and Recreation Center is collaborating with the food pantry and the Healthy Living Program to gather donations for FIU students in need. The groups also aim to educate participants on why donating to the pantry is so important, especially during the holiday season.

The food items needed are containers of peanut butter, boxes of crackers, pop-top soup and boxes of Pop Tarts. Participants are only required to bring in one of each of the listed food items. Donations will be collected upon arrival at the registration table.

Participants need to arrive early in order to check in and receive a “race bib” The flock of racers will have the opportunity to join a group stretch before the race begins. The competition, for both walkers and runners, will begin promptly at 10 a.m.

To register and to view a list of general rules for the event, students can visit and use the key words: FIU Turkey Trot.

For more information on how to utilize the student food pantry or how to volunteer, click here.

Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash.

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