What to watch on Netflix: Week of 1/13

Matthew Ellmore/Staff Writer

Netflix offers a wide array of content for its viewers to watch, and it can be daunting to skim through its large collection to try and find something that interests you. However, there are some documentaries, series, and movies that are available on Netflix and that stand out from the rest. Some of them may be well-known, others may not. Hopefully, you can find something that interests you.

“The Little Hours” (2017)

Based on “The Decameron,” a collection of novellas by Giovanni Boccaccio, “The Little Hours” is a period comedy about a group of nuns who encounter a runaway slave when he decides to take refuge at their convent. The film is set during the 13th century but takes a modern tone in its dialogue and humor as it attempts to parody films based in a similar setting and time period. Although they share the same setting and time period, “The Little Hours” turns the conventional period drama into a screwball comedy. One of its main themes is how religion and sexuality are related. Instead of painting its main characters as quiet and devout nuns, the film gives its audience a much more honest view of impulse and desire. The women are forceful, self-aware and strong willed, though not just for the sake of comedy. There’s no forceful or shoehorned attempts at laughter. Instead, each of the characters are all distinct in their personalities. “The Little Hours” is not, and probably not intended to be, for a general audience. Its comedic tone and its infusion with themes of religion could be off-putting for some, but “The Little Hours” brings a unique perspective to the comedy genre.

“Happy!” (2017-)

“Happy!” follows Nick Sax, an ex-cop turned hitman, who has to befriend his kidnapped daughter’s imaginary friend to save her. Bizarre and violent, this series is like nothing else on television at the moment. It’s a crude and vile take on the conventional revenge story, playing on the conventional clichés of the genre and taking them to the extreme. The characters fill the clichés of so many other characters before them: the broken-bad character who has to become a hero, the little girl in peril and the shady detective who can’t be trusted. But despite all these tropes, there are moments of quirkiness that make the show work. Many of these moments are led by a fantastic performance from Christopher Meloni, who’s role as Nick Sax is almost the opposite of his infamous role as Elliot Stabler in “Law & Order: SVU.” Meloni’s performance escalates the show’s absurdity and, at the same time, make it somewhat believable. At times, the show can almost feel like it’s too desperate to shock its viewers. At other times, it’s clever and twisted in ways that set it apart from many other shows. “Happy!” is a hilariously twisted ride through a path of violence and revenge, one that should not be missed.

“The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man” (2018)

Over the years, Bill Murray has become notorious for his eccentric and counterintuitive use of his fame. Many instances of this involved Murray showing up to a random event and immersing himself into whatever is going on, whether it be crashing a bachelor party, bartending at a bar or washing dishes at a stranger’s party. So, the obvious question here is, why? Why would such a successful figure in Hollywood spend his time by appearing at events that have no relation to him whatsoever? This question is what Tommy Avallone, director of the documentary, attempts to answer in this film. Besides including footage of Murray’s unusual appearances, Avallone uses the main recipients of these moments as the interview subjects for the film. Random, everyday people give details on their own encounters with Murray, allowing audiences to get a much different perspective of Murray as opposed to that of other celebrities and comedy legends. While detailing these encounters, the director also tries to get Murray’s insight into them. He includes his discussions with Murray as well as footage of his comedic past, attempting to see if these encounters are random or if they have some purpose to them. Its conclusion may not answer all of the questions that surround Bill Murray and his personality, but the film provides an entertaining look at a captivating personality in Hollywood.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash.

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