Pay the Teachers to Keep the Teachers

Melanie Arougueti/ Staff Writer

The Wall Street Journal reported at the near end to 2018 how the teachers have quit at alarming rates. Yet, this is not a surprise.

 It has been reported that during the first ten months of 2018 more and more public educators have been quitting their jobs, according to the Labor Department

One can not say this was not a long time coming. public educators have been payed 5% lower than they were in 2009, According to the National Education Association.

The government needs to make it as much a priority of paying the teachers as they do all other jobs. Teachers need to have the resources to educate children to their best ability and being financially stable is one of them.

If teaching can become a harder job to obtain, a respectable position to uphold, then it would be taken more seriously. Instead, 2015 proved to half open teacher positions with less than qualified people with no training taking the role, according to the Learning policy Institute.

Teachers will keep on quitting their professions, because it just isn’t enough. Some statewide protests have begun to take place last year, and this leads to classrooms closing, and children being able to miss school.

It can be hard to recognize, but the teachers we’ve so fortunately had during kindergarten and until 12th grade have shaped us to be who we are. Therefore, the stronger teachers we put in the schools, the better students we can prepare. However, this must all start with paying our teachers!


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Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash


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