Jordan Coll/ Staff Writer
Students who work and study full time are prematurely developing life lessons which will serve them well in their future professions.
But there are doubts.
We already feel at times overwhelmed by our tasks in the classroom, why even bother adding on to such a culminating stress.
Having to deal with work and performing well with the academic rigor of college is not easy, but it’s not impossible.
Not everyone is dealt the same deck of cards. Some students may actually need to work to cover costs of living or to bravely pay off college debt. Those who are able to accomplish this are in for a life lesson and I truly applaud their efforts.
Ana Paez is a business student who suggests that a balance can be found between work and school. “I feel like working has given me the experience that I need in the future, putting all I’ve learned from theory into reality” Paez says.
This is a definitely daunting as it requires both a perseverance and a focus something I believe college students struggle with. “Working does give off experience that you wouldn’t be able to find in the classroom, it’s breaking off from this class mentality that really defines your goals in any major” Paez states.
Regardless, working provides a whole other set of skills, such as learning to work with others in a professional setting instead of looking at them as peers for a group project due midnight.
Paez also recommends that incoming students who are transitioning from high school to a university setting be open to applying for internships to gain more experience in particular fields of study. “Especially students who are looking into for internship opportunities which helps to expand their networking skills”.
She applies this business theory firsthand at Zapatomania Miami, a family-owned shoe company near Flagler street. As an Administrative Assistant she deals with several aspects of company functioning, notably in sales.
Hers and other stories make us wonder whether the work vibe makes time management possible.
As someone who works in retail I have seen how managing and completing deadlines are essential to running a company. Everyone has something to offer, one person not showing up on time could easily slow the whole process down.
In this I have learned to be more disciplined in how I spend my a time, from getting job duties done to studying for my next exam.
I also believe working shapes a person’s character in the long run; it is without doubt an avalanche of beautiful and useful experiences.
It could easily be said that working and studying is very demanding and therefore not recommendable, but it all depends on how much the person can actually handle.
And although students should prioritize their studies; if they have the chance to work and are able to manage it then they should go for it.
The opinions presented within this page do not represent the views of PantherNOW Editorial Board. These views are separate from editorials and reflect individual perspectives of contributing writers and/or members of the University community.
Photo by Jordan Coll/PantherNow