SGA’s functions should be better known

Eliandro Ramirez Chang/ Contributing Writer

I have no idea what the Student Government Association does or is responsible for.

I know the president is a lovely woman by the name of Sabrina Leeloo Rosell.

I also know the charging stations around GC have their name on it, “provided by the SGA”, branded on the side.

The solar power tables in front of GC and next to PC also have their name branded on it.

This writer assumes that means that those tables and charging stations only exist because of the SGA.

Besides that, I have no clue as to what SGA does for its fellow students.

Does it make our lives easier? What do they lobby for, what is the goal of the SGA?

Is it a flaw in the way the SGA operates if the average student doesn’t know about their existence or the role they have in the university ?

Maybe I wouldn’t go so far as to say that, but it does open the door to some interesting questions.

How does one become SGA president, how long does one get to stay president?

Do the students of the university vote or is it a “corporate ladder” situation?

It seems the SGA is important enough to have their president as one of the people in the board of trustees, so the role they have must also be extremely important.

But if I, the writer, and you, the reader, doesn’t know what they do then how effective are they really?

I am assuming that the reader would have the same questions as I do but then it becomes a question of how many students actually know what the SGA does.

This article can serve as an unofficial poll, ask your friends.

How many people actually know about the SGA? It’s not like another regular club or organization, the SGA must have definite pull.

Shouldn’t the students know exactly what they are responsible for?

After all, some of our tuition money probably is being allocated to fund SGA.

Wouldn’t you like to know what your money is being used for?


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