Ariana Rodriguez/Staff Writer
The beginning of the semester at FIU is oh, so sweet.
During Week of Welcome, the Student Health Center offers free items for students at their tabling events, like free “be healthy” stickers, safe sex shirts, resuable water bottles – and condoms.
But here’s one thing missing at that table: a pad.
Yes, we need some pads next to those condoms – at least wherever display condoms at FIU. I appreciate FIU supporting safe sex, but they need to support women more when it comes to our bodies.
This is not a want – it’s a need of mine and all women. Men and women can refrain from sex, but unfortunately women cannot escape their menstration cycle. It’s simply an inevitable emergency.
A few weeks ago, I was at the welcome table and, when I thought I saw a pad, I smiled in celebration. It was that time of the month and I was desperate for a pad because I forgot mine (again).
Turns out it was a female condom.
Thanks to the Women’s Center at FIU, women with a busy schedule can pick up a pad there as a back-up plan. We have our fellow students to thank for that, as they can drop off pads at the center for other women to use.
Even then, pads shouldn’t have to be locked up, and FIU should provide them for free. A pad is considered embarrassing in this society, but it’s something that should not be hidden. A pad is not more embarrassing than a condom – if anything, it’s less embarrassing.
The women at FIU are fearless, strong and amazing in every way. We rush through breakfast and a tornado of thoughts during our menstruation cycle. With a tight schedule, we’re too busy packing papers and books into our backpacks, not pads.
Women still hide their pads as they walk to the restroom. We still feel like our hormonal imbalance is too much for men. The list of what women need can go and on, and I look forward to seeing the list get shorter and shorter as time passes.
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Featured photo from FIU Flickr.