Comic books have always been able to emulate horror and show the supernatural in such a captivating way. These ten reads show that no matter how these might be adapted, nothing beats the original source.
1. “Wytches”, written by Scott Synder, illustrated by Jock (Image Comics)
Witches are a staple Halloween figure. What Synder does in this series is put a more horrifying twist on what we know as witches. Jock illustrations emphasises the creepy nature of the environment with imagery that bounces off the page. The hectic panels give the reader an adrenaline rush as they read panel to panel.
2. “Moon Knight ”, written by Jeff Lemire, illustrated by Greg Smallwood (Marvel Comics)
Moon Knight is one of Marvel’s lesser known characters, but he is soon to debut in his own series on Disney+. This run by Lemire and Smallwood is a perfect jumping on point for readers who would like to know more about the character. Moon Knight has always dealt with the supernatural as well as real issues like mental health. Smallwoods illustrations work perfectly with Lemire’s writing to show the more unstable/ creepy side of the character.
3.“Saga of the Swamp Thing”, written by Alan Moore, illustrated by Stephen Bissette & John Tottleben (Vertigo Comics)
Moore is best known for “Watchmen”, “V for Vendetta”, and “The Killing Joke” which have all been adapted in various media. But his run on Swamp Thing has not seen as much attention as his other works. In 2019 there was a Swamp Thing TV series that was heavily influenced by Moore’s series. The run itself is known as one of the most famous Swamp Thing series which shows a different form of horror, mainly being organic horror.
4. “Black Monday Murders”, written by Jonathan Hickman, illustrated by Tomm Coker (Image Comics)
“Black Monday Murders” is one of the more unique comic series to come from Image Comics. The phrase money is power takes a literal turn in this world where a group of financiers made a blood pact with a god who will then give them wealth and power. The series encompases horror, noir, and mystery with a story that has more twists and turns than one can count.
5. “Something is Killing the Children”, written by James Tynion IV, illustrated by Werther Dell’Edera (Boom! Studios)
Children in horror settings aren’t a new concept. But it is one that is always changing depending on what threat they face. Seeing horror through the eyes of children is a much different experience than with an adult or teenager character. The reader gains a more compelling feeling from the children since they cannot act against the threat since they are treated like they can’t.
6. “Absolute Carnage”, written by Donny Cates, illustrated by Ryan Stegman (Marvel Comics)
Carnage is on the loose and as you can image it is absolute carnage. With Eddie Brock on the run he can only turn to one person for help, Peter Parker. The two team up against the threat of Cletus Kasady (Carnage). While this series ties in to Cates’ run on “Venom” it can be read separately without any prior knowledge of the “Venom” series.
7. “Preacher”, written by Garth Ennis, illustrated by Steven Dillon (Vertigo Comics)
“Preacher” gained quite the popularity when the series on AMC came out back in 2016. Though it never fully covered everything in the graphic novel, and in some insistence expected the reader to have prior knowledge from the novel, it is still worth the read. The series balances the supernatural elements of demons and angels while staying true to Ennis’ style of vulgar writing.
8. “The Sandman Series”, written by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Sam Keith, Mike Dringenburg, & Malcolm Jones III (Vertigo Comics)
“The Sandman Series” is one the most iconic graphic novels of all time. The series has even sprouted spin off series based in the Sandman Universe. Gaiman’s brilliant writing out does itself with each volume of the series. While it is slow in the beginning it builds up to a fantastical yet creepy world.
9. “Lucifer”, written by Dan Watters, illustrated by Max and Sebastian Fiumara (Vertigo Comics)
“Lucifer” being one the characters in the Sandman Universe to have his own spin off series has had many series, including his own TV series. He is always a strong willed character and always taking care of his own problems. For this series Watters strips away all his devilish charisma and leaves him as a husk of his former self trying to piece together what he once was.
10. “John Constantine: Hellblazer”, written by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Aaron Campbell (DC Comics)
John Constantine hasn’t been his original self since he was reintroduced in DC’s New52 line. While he still had many of the same characteristics the gritty version that fans once knew and love was no more. Up until Spurrier’s work on the character which rightfully puts John back as the hellblazer he truly is. This run on the character is also a great jumping on point for readers who are interested in the character.