SGA Passes Resolution in Support of Transgender Athletes

Screenshot of SGA resolution titled Supporting Trans Athletes’ Rights. Contributed by Alexander Sutton.

Danny Tarrau / Staff Writer

The Student Government Association passed a resolution this week in support of transgender student athletes.

The resolution, S.R. 02 003, Supporting Trans Athletes’ Rights calls for University administration to support student athletes who identify as transgender. The legislation followed the passing of a Florida bill which bans trans women from participating in women’s sports.

The unanimous vote on Monday, Sept. 20 was sponsored by Alexander Sutton, senator of the School of International and Public Affairs and Bryan Gomez, former senate president pro-tempore.

“This legislation was written to express the beliefs of the student body that everybody should have the freedom of choice and right to identify how they so choose,” said Sutton. “It’s up to every individual, and not to society, to determine how they identify.”

The resolution aims “to affirm the rights of trans youth, particularly trans girls that seek to compete in sports that validate their gender identity,” according to the document.

Nicholas Pastrana, senate president, echoed these sentiments.

“Whether or not you agree with trends, trains, genders or any of that stuff, I don’t think the resolution itself is a political battle or religious battle,” said Pastrana. “I think it’s a question of fairness.”

He said public education facilities should not be able to determine one’s gender.

“I don’t think that we have any right to intervene and tell them that they do not have the right to compete,” said Pastrana.

The resolution is pending a signature from Alexander Rubido, student body president, to support and finalize the document.

Screenshot of SGA senate debate on the resolution titled Supporting Trans Athletes’ Rights. Danny Tarrau / PantherNOW

While this resolution is not legally binding to the administration, it aims to display support from the student body for the rights of transgender student athletes.

Manuela Jaramillo, senator of FIU’s medical school, shared a personal sentiment about the impact of the resolution.

“My little brother is a trans man and I’ve seen firsthand the struggles trans students face to access the same rights as everybody else,” said Jaramillo. “Things like this matter. Thank you to everyone supporting this bill.”

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